Media Room accepts content uploaded in Upload Packages. 

Media Room documents what Assets were uploaded together in an Upload Package.

An Upload Package can consist of one or many Assets.

An Asset in an Upload Package can be any type of file.

An Upload Package can be uploaded as 'Normal' or 'Sealed'.

Normal Upload Package:

Media Room will look inside the uploaded Upload Package and make each Asset inside the Upload Package available for viewing on the Assets page.

Sealed Upload Package:

Media Room will not look inside the Upload Package but treat the Upload Package like a zip file.  From the Upload Package page users can still drill down on files and folders to explore what was uploaded into the Sealed Upload Package, but individual files cannot be previewed.

Use cases for Sealed Upload Packages are DCP, DCDM, IMF, DPX and image sequence uploads.

A user can deliver a Sealed Upload Package to third parties. Some distributors may decide they upload all relevant content for redistribution into a Sealed Upload Package for future deliveries.